Posts Tagged → machine
Plane Crossing
I wonder how long the wait is
Cloud Factory
Before we had airplanes and astronauts, we really thought that there was an actual place beyond the clouds, somewhere over the rainbow. There was an actual place, and we could go above the clouds and find it.there.
-Barbara Walters
Well, how did YOU think they were made?
Creme That Egg, Rube style
FINALLY: A Rube Goldberg machine that is used to squish a Creme Egg.
It goes around the walls of a campus lounge.
This is an entry in Cadbury’s “Unleash The Goo” competition, in which entrants must find the most creative way to break a creme egg.
The music is by the Jews Brothers Band.
The creator posted these answers to some frequently asked Q’s:
– the ringing ball comes out of the red flipping box.
– the painting tilts, which causes the top ball to run down it.
– a keen eye will notice the egg unravels out of its foil wrapping.
– at around 1:52, the balls are rolling behind a sheet of glass that is at a slight angle so that the balls have to revolve a lot just to move a small amount.
– it took about 6 months to make and 3 days / 200 takes to film.