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Realistic Creeper

Sweet nightmares!

Comic: Finger Jones and the temple of boog

The title isn’t a good spin on the reference being made here but the comic itself… hoo boy… what an adventure!

Watch ‘Time and Space’ – a wonderful one minute film

This clever sci-fi short came in third place for a competition where filmmakers had two days to create a one-minute film.

Unaired SNL Sketch on Animal Creation

Kristen Wiig, Vanessa Bayer, and Kate McKinnon star in this sketch that shows that the “Goddesses of Creation” were probably just winging it. Especially Hindra.

Ken Bone goes to Washington


6 year old girl lectures her mom on divorced parents being friends


E-I E-I Yoga

If that cow didn’t remind us to breathe, Idk what we would do.

WATCH Kids Getting the Sex Talk from their Parents for the First Time

Be like a pachyderm

Baby elephant takes a tumble. Help arrives.


When someone falls, don’t hesitate to pick them up, cuz the next person who falls could be you…

Wes Anderson // Centered

This wonderful video cuts together clips from director Wes Andersons’ love of symmetry in his movies.

Kubrick’s films were similar as this cut points out: