Archive → August, 2008
They see me rollin alright
Indeed they hatin. on my rolling pin. that i use for baking pies. and cakes. sometimes cookies. a scone or two. what’s to hate? or is it cuz I’m a fat fatty fatter fattish? cuz why hate on the fats yo? Santa is fat. do you hate Santa? no. because he gives you stuff. Well guess what bitches? I give you delicious baked goods. well, I make them and have them readily available that is… weather or not you’re fast enough to actually get any for yourself is a matter of your own speed and agility. So really, you should be hating on your own shortcomings, hmm?
Check. mate. pies.
Shopping carts of the future
At least its not in America…yet.
News: Japan churns out some pretty weird stuff
The song Ingenuity from the 1981 film Around The World With Dot.
Not to be taken seriously by anyone whose sanity is still intact.