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You had ONE job…


Office Slide in Munich

Play where you work

Work = Freedom

Detail of the Arbeit Macht Frei inscription on the gate at Dachau“Arbeit macht frei” is a German phrase meaning “work brings freedom” or “work shall set you free/will free you” or “work liberates” and, literally in English, “work makes (one) free”. The slogan is known for being placed at the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps.

The slogan “Arbeit macht frei” was placed at the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps “as a kind of mystical declaration that self-sacrifice in the form of endless labor does in itself bring a kind of spiritual freedom.”

Although it was common practice in Germany to post inscriptions of this sort at entrances to institutional properties and large estates, the slogan’s use in this instance was ordered by SS General Theodor Eicke, inspector of concentration camps and first commandant of Dachau Concentration Camp.

The slogan can still be seen at several sites, including the entrance to Auschwitz I—although, according to Auschwitz: a New History, by BBC historian Laurence Rees, it was placed there by commandant Rudolf Höß, who believed that doing menial work during his own imprisonment under the Weimar Republic had helped him through the experience. At Auschwitz, the upper bowl in the “B” in “ARBEIT” is wider than the lower bowl, appearing to some as upside-down. Several geometrically constructed sans-serif typefaces of the 1920s experimented with this variation.

Arbeit Macht Frei at Auschwitz, with the inverted B

The slogan can also be seen at the Dachau concentration camp, Gross-Rosen concentration camp, Sachsenhausen, and the Theresienstadt Ghetto-Camp.

At Buchenwald, however, “Jedem das Seine” (literally, “to each his own”, but figuratively “everyone gets what he deserves”) was used instead.

In 1938 the Austrian political cabaret writer Jura Soyfer and the composer Herbert Zipper, while prisoners at Dachau Concentration Camp, wrote the “Dachaulied” (The Dachau Song). They had spent weeks marching in and out of the camp’s gate to daily forced labour, and considered the motto “Arbeit macht frei” over the gate an insult. The song repeats the phrase cynically as a “lesson” taught by Dachau. (The first verse is translated in the article on Jura Soyfer.)