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Cop Rock

Via Cracked: Cop Rock was a musical cop show experiment that took place in 1990. It mixed a gritty cop drama with high-spectacle razzmatazz for a schizophrenic mess that no viewer could trust. You never knew when someone in the singing chorus line was going to pull a knife, or if the jaded coroner was going to suddenly pliet over the corpse to make out with the guy taking a semen sample. It was like an old married couple each picked a show to piss the other one off and they passive-aggressively switched between them for an hour. The word “obviously” barely had time to get its pants on before Cop Rock was canceled.


Video for my track ‘Anna’, composed using sounds recorded from the 1956 film ‘The King & I’. Download the MP3


Video for my track ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’. The track is composed of a sine wave bass, original percussion, and sounds recorded from the candy man scene in ‘Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory’.

“The Office” Musical

Update: HuffPo described this better and in more detail so here:

“The Office” is full of music, usually due to Andy Bernard singing a capella at inappropriate moments, but sometimes because Kelly is excited or Michael is putting on a presentation. The editor behind this video has taken several instances of spontaneous singing from the TV show and created an operatic mash-up.

The brilliance of the video is not really the patience it took to find and edit together all these songs, but finding the non-musical moments of the show that are used to illustrate the lyrics.

We only wish Jan singing “Son of a Preacher Man” at her baby shower, and Andy singing “Rainbow Connection” in Pig Latin while trying to woo Pam were included.