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Spiders On Drugs

In 1965 Dr. Peter Witt gave drugs to spiders and observed their effects on web building. This short film about the results of the experiment was created by First Church Of Christ, Filmmaker.

Venus vs daddy

daddy long legs vs flytrap

Venus flytrap vs daddy long legs

How gay sex can produce offspring

Gay sex – in beetles, at least – gives males a chance to indirectly fertilize females they may never encounter directly says NewScientist.

Homosexual copulations are common in insects, where they pose the same conundrum as in mammals: what evolutionary advantage, if any, might such apparently fruitless activity provide?

Over the years, biologists have proposed a range of explanations. Homosexual activity might, for example, help males practise for straight sex, or they might offer males a way to assert dominance over one another.

Although we don’t know why they spelled “practice” with an “s” instead of a “c”, we DO find their video of homosexual beetle porn to be…fun: