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Futurama in Real Life

Artist paints people as flags eating their national food

Art is wonderful

Malt Shop Love

The Real Outcome if Batman & Superman fought to the death

Yes, Batman is mortal and Superman has every power, ever. So yes, if the Kryptonian were to ambush the Dark Knight and use the full force of his powers on him, a caught-off-guard Batman would die. and so would Superman. Because that is the nature of the character. He knows his opponents and plans for every outcome so that even in the event he loses, he wins.

Do you suffer from the Netflix Curse?

Based on a true story

Mean Dogs Mock Crawling Baby (behind his back)


Minimalist Movie Formulas

Gettin Clean. Gettin Dirty.


The little known DANGER of giving Raisins out on Halloween

Don’t be a victim…

Circle Dots to break your brain

A circle of dots, but every dot alone is just moving in a straight line.