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Watch a groundhog chase Homer Simpson (GIF)
Shhhhhh… this brilliant “quite time” edit will have you rolling
So fluid, it looks like an original photo
Devious Caterpillar is adorably horrifically evil…
What is this little squish plotting?
Watch this mesmerizing GIF of a strawberry ripening
Here are some strawberry songs to enjoy while you hypnotize yourself in wonder…
How far away is the moon from earth? The answer will surprise you
Seems impossible but space is crazy mysterious like that
Charlie Day on why you should not just “do what makes you happy”…
Recognize this guy?
You may know him as the loser underachiever from Always Sunny in Philadelphia but he’s about to drop some knowledge on you…
The true key to happiness may be not pursuing only what you think will make you happy…
How hard (and how high) would you watch this movie?…
The answer is clear and yet philosophically mysterious at the same time.
Behold, the human grayscale rainbow (Awesome Photo!)
Light to dark and in between
A good job deserves a button
PLOT TWIST: This is actually a crappily redrawn rendition of this simpler 3 panel comic: