Category → Video
Wiggle Room
Slug vs. Salt, survival of the fittest.
Debut stop motion film by “Joey Shanks”
Thick As Thieves and the History of the World
Kalle Mattson – Thick As Thieves (Official Video)
Written by Kalle Mattson
Kevin Parry – Director / Animator
Carla Veldman – Designer / Animator
Andrew Wilson – Designer / Animator
Andrea Nesbitt – Live Action
Charlie Chaplin swinger mix
Music taken from the re-release of various Chaplin silent films after sound had been introduced to movies.
DNA Replication Animation
This is a clip from a PBS production called “DNA: The Secret of Life.”
It details the latest research (as of 2005) concerning the process of DNA replication.
Google search the PBS title and you can find the website which has links to many informative sites and interesting clips. This is just a segment detailing replication.
Blind cat vs hair dryer
From the author:
This is our five month old cat Oskar. He was born with no formed eyeballs and hence he cannot see at all! His blindness does not hold him back at all — he can do pretty much everything that our “normal” cat Klaus can do.